Designed according to uses'requirements,this counter is a recorder of ength and various mechanical transmissions. Commonly it is used to record the length range in the professions of Textile, Printing and Dyeing, Membrane, ang Man-made Leather. This counter is five-digital with counting range of 1-99999. When the recorded length is one meter or one yard, the scrolling wheel turns three circles, indicating "1".Thereby the counter dots and carries one. But it can't count widdershins.The transmission rate is 1:3.The highest counting speed is 200 times/min. This counter is staffed with a zero reset facility. The facility adopts revolving style. If it whirls one circle, the figure is turned to zero. Then the counter stars counting for the second stage.Therdfore it is very convenient to use. Changing the digit flexibly and indicating the figures clearly, this counter records the numbers precisely. It can operate normally even if the temperature of the working environment shifts from-20℃~+60℃.